Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Dear Family and Friends,

This past year has been an adventure for the Clyde and Claudia Tigner family.
Many of you know that Carolyn lives with us and is estranged from her husband Samuel Shaffer. Samuel lives in the Salt Lake City area with a buddy and Carolyn and Sam’s two little daughters. Samantha is now 3 years old and Lilly is now 5. Sam is having a friend provide pre-school for both of the girls. The friend lives in Spanish Fork, so Sam stays in that area for the week while the girls attend school. We are very excited about that!
Carolyn is doing well here at our home, and is always finding employment. She has not earned enough to support herself and her two children, so they remain with their dad most of the time. We love our daughter and are happy to see her becoming more socially “alive” and active again.
Stephen still lives nearby. He still gets most of his mail at our address, and we see him frequently. Especially during the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons, Stephen has packages delivered here almost every day, starting with Black Friday. Stephen lives alone in a three-bedroom townhouse and is happy that way at the moment. He takes Taiko drumming lessons and plays with a Taiko drumming group in town. When we can we go to their performances.
Gabe has grown a lot this past year – in many ways. We are having to get him back into soccer to help provide him with lots of acivity. He has been in an enormous physical growth spurt, but we are expecting him to shoot up even more in the next two years and into his adolescence. Gabe is still a Dubach, and since we have had him, we have not taken him back to Sacramento for a visit with the Dubachs and other family members who live there. The phone is our contact with our Sacramento family.
My younger brother, John, lives in West Virginia with his spouse. They are in Berkeley Springs, a tiny resort community, formerly known as Bath. These names denote the existence of hot springs that are popular with tourists and locals. John and his wife love West Virginia but sometimes would rather be closer to family out west here. John’s son, Mike, is married and lives in the Sacramento area, where the rest of my own extended family members live. He likes being near his favorite cousin, Ruth, one of Mary’s daughters.
Thanksgiving 2015 was celebrated with a wonderful and traditional family feast. We had plenty of turkey, some very rich and delicious gluten-free dressing, a relish tray with petite dill pickles, carrots, celery and olives. We had both sweet and mashed potatoes, with turkey gravy, and we also had some delicious rolls. We all overate and lost our energy - Gabriel excepted. We also had both apple and pumpkin pies with whipped topping and ice cream – 1 of each pie was enough for us.
We have been richly blessed this year and are very grateful for the tender mercies of the Lord, Jesus Christ. Clyde’s work with mentally disabled children came to an end as he resigned from his former job, and into his lap fell an invitation to apply to be a case management contractor for the State Department of Health and Welfare. Clyde is working only half-time, but he is keeping plenty busy. This provides some coverage for times when Claudia is not home to manage Gabe. Because of Clyde’s new job, Claudia has cut her hours so that she can be with Gabe more. We also have extra services for Gabe now, and are very appreciative of that.
We want to wish all of you a very happy Christmas and New Year. May the Lord be with you and strengthen and comfort you always. Please remember you are all always in our prayers.

The Tigners and a Dubach (not yet adopted)

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Wow. Has it been so long since I made an entry here?! Over a year has passed. I haven't made any entries anywhere, really - not even on facebook. Well - maybe a few there. If there were only more following me on this page, I would make more entries here. I continue to be amazed at the way my current job as a contractor for the State of Idaho Department of Health and Welfare just fell into my lap. How could this be? The Lord was watching over me and my family - that is the only answer. I thank my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ for their tender mercies toward me.

I have been struggling to find my place in this world. What would the Lord have me do? What is His purpose for me?

Raising Gabriel is surely one of his tasks for me at this time. My question is, "How far should I go, Lord?" What is my purpose as a case manager for the Department? Who will I share the Lord's love with? How can I be an instrument in His hands, and to what purpose? I now am beginning to realize how much my life and focus have been about me. One of my wise nephews made that statement one day, "It's about you." I found myself protesting that it is not. It is about the baby we just blessed, said I.

Then, over the next few months I began to wonder how much of what I thought, felt, said, and did was really all about myself. I continue to  wonder about all of this. Working with kids with developmental and mental disabilities has brought me to the point of a realization that I am, at least to some extent, and always have  been, so much like these young people. Surely I have always been at least close to the autism spectrum, if not in it.

And yet I have succeeded with much my life. I was the first child in my nuclear family to graduate from high school. I was the first child to be married in the temple of God for time and all eternity. In between these two things is a negative - I never got the courage to serve a mission. I was never ready when I was of the right age chronologically. There were people willing to support me on my mission, and I did not go. I had this fear of people and that, along with many weaknesses, got in my way.

Claudia and I served a stake mission later in my life. But how can that compare with a full-time mission? It simply cannot.

But dwelling on what appears to me to be a failure will not help me find my purpose. I have found some purposes - I play the piano and organ in church from time to time, as assigned. I played for high priest quorum meeting just last Sunday at the Stake Center, for example. And every other month I play the organ for our ward Sacrament Meetings. I have been blessed several times in my life to serve as a boy scout leader and cub scout leader. I have worked with all ages of Scouts over the years. I have worked as a therapist with boys who have developmental disabilities. I was, when I was 18, president of a stake young adult group. I have taught Sunday School, Priesthood, Young Men, Primary (nursery to age 12). I have worked with boys who have mental disorders. I have worked with adults who have mental disorders. Sometimes I have been successful and sometimes not so successful.

Every time I have been let go from a job, I have found happiness in another opportunity to work and serve others. Imagine getting paid for that!

I always find myself marveling at the importance of the family in other people's lives. I felt this when I was away in the U.S. Army for three years. Now I seem to struggle to be in concert with those whose families are so important for them. Intellectually I know they are. Yet, why do I not share those feelings that so many feel about their families?

If only I understood what more I can do in my life.

A scripture tells us, "This life is the time to prepare to meet God. Yea, behold, the day of this life is the day for men to perform their labors." Alma 34:32 Book of Mormon

I want to prepare to meet God by living my life in accordance with His wishes. What more can I say. May it be so. 

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Since there is rarely anyone following me on my blog, the Clyde Tigner and Family facebook page  may become my new blog for our family members and friends. 

With the arrival of Carolyn's two daughters into our home at the end of June, we have been exceptionally busy trying to get along around here and manage our family's activities better. While this may seem simple to some, it has become very difficult at times. With Gabriel around, we are certainly not ever bored!

We were pleasantly blessed with a visit from Faye, Karen, Sonny, and Kaylee from Sacramento at the beginning of July. While we could not provide them with enough activities because of our work schedules, we enjoyed their company while they were here. We went to Yellowstone, Big Judd's, and Reed's Dairy and Sonny enjoyed the Tautphus Park skateboard park. I took Karen to Love at First Bite and everyone to Great Harvest Bread.

We couldn't change the hot weather and the kids were getting bored and wanting to go back home to Sacramento, so they left about two days early.

We hope the next time they come, our home will be less crowded. I honestly don't know how anyone  can stand living or staying in a home of this size containing 11 or more people, and with the situation we presently have can stand it for very long at all. But we were hoping they would stay for the full amount of time they had allotted.

I was sad to see them leave us early, but glad to have them with us. We had more exciting things planned, but we just couldn't make it happen this time.

On a positive note, both of my eyes had cataracts removed and toric lenses implanted prior to July, and I now am driving around, for the first time in my life, without glasses - legally!

Unfortunately we are trying to figure out what to do about some new glasses. I have worn glasses since I was 6 years of age. Now here I am always feeling like something is missing and wanting to put on glasses before I go out. But the price of new glasses is still very high - even with what Medicare allows - which is not very much, of course. 

Well, I will see how this works out and whether I have better vision coverage than I had thought. We will go from there and hope I can get comfortable again. The thought of having to carry around reading glasses is scary - especially since I never could carry sunglasses around to attache to my glasses. I would always lose them in short order.

Claudia and I are both working. At this point in time Claudia is making more money than I am and working more hours to do that. We are both professional therapists, and she is definitely very good with what she does with kids with developmental disabilities.

Well, everyone please take care of yourselves and remember to find us on our facebook page: Clyde Tigner and Family

Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas 2013 at Our House

Christmas has passed and we are still enjoying the holidays. All of our children are at home again. Stephen bought us a thin-screen TV - the first we have ever had, and I didn't even help them unwrap it on Christmas Day. Much of the day Stephen devoted his time top unpackaging the set and setting it up with all the features he could add, including something called ROKU. The rest of the day was spent enjoying the new TV and all its features, for Stephen also connected a brand new XBOX 360 to it, and video games were running for hours.

The house was so busy, and I was so tired from staying up until nearly 4 a.m. making fruitcake. I took a very long Christmas nap during the morning while everyone else was preparing the Christmas meal. I just disappeared into my office/bedroom and collapsed into my bed.  After we had eaten dinner, I watched Christmas videos and read the news much of the rest of the day. I worked into the night clearing out our receipts file and removing most of the mess from the top of my little credenza and the small table beside it.

Today I again ate leftovers, some turkey soup Claudia had just made, and watched Gabriel while Carolyn worked downstairs. Gabriel got to play some video games for the 15 minutes he had earned, I took another nap, he got into mischief, he got to watch much TV while I worked on getting my cell phone access back. I called for support and a gentleman finally had me just do a factory reset. The rest of the day I worked on restoring as much data as possible from whatever source it might have been backed up to, and re-installing apps I had lost with the reset. This process will continue, I am certain, for more than a day beyond today.

Christmas was without a Christmas tree or a nativity scene displayed this year. I had hurt my lower back a little from moving my room from downstairs to upstairs this past week, and did not feel like climbing up to the attic to get the decorations down for Christmas. Stephen was in a "Scrooge Mood" with regard to getting it down, Claudia couldn't climb up and get it, and neither could Carolyn, I presume. Nobody else seemed to care about the tree and decs. Gabriel had brought a little decoration home from his Speech teacher. They made it together during their last session. It was hanging over the front picture window. On the window sill was an electronic stable of animals that all made their animal sounds to the tunes and rhythms of familiar Christmas carols. We still had Christmas, in spite of the Grinch's attempts for we just piled the wrapped gifts onto the window sill of our front room, and onto the floor. When we passed out gifts, Gabriel was just as excited as ever, and it was just as fun as if a tree had been there. I still read the Christmas story from the Bible to Gabe and all who would listen on Christmas Eve.

I cannot but be thankful for everything I have and have enjoyed this season - the recent loss or misplacement of my Nook Plus tablet notwithstanding. I am sad-hearted because of Carolyn's ordeals of the past few months, but we have high hopes that somehow everything will work out for her to have her children back with her. I watched more than one performance of The Messiah, and the 1951 version of Scrooge on YouTube, and watched many presentations on my computer, posting much to my facebook page. My lower back is continuing to improve.

I suppose I am ready to work my way to the New Year's Day celebration at this point. With a small amount of preparation, we all should be able to enjoy that in good spirits. Even Claudia, the New Year's Eve Scroojette, is planning to stay up and celebrate the new year, as Stephen's friend, Nicole, is planning on coming over for it.

Christmas and New Year's Eve and Day still happen whether we celebrate them or not, and we are calmly celebrating our own peace on earth. Everyone have a wonderful New Year!!!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

2013-14 Christmas and New Year Greetings!!!
From the Clyde and Claudia Tigner Family
This has been an amazing year for all of us. Carolyn has been to our home for visits several times this year, and we have enjoyed having our two lovely granddaughters around. Carolyn is now living with us for a short while. She is so sweet to us and a great helper around the house. Stephen secured a professional coding position – something he had wanted for a long while. He loves his new job. He continues to live with Mom and Dad and is fun and loving and enjoyable to have around. And since our LDS Ward is changing to 9 am this next year, he and a friend, whom he goes to church with, will be going to church with us. Gabriel has been learning and growing. He had his 8th birthday in July and was baptized in August. Now that he is 8, he is also in Cub Scouts (The LDS church doesn’t do Tiger Cubs). He has been on soccer teams for the past two years, and has enjoyed playing that game – an active game for an active and cheerful boy. Claudia and I love all of our children, and enjoy each of their unique personalities in a special way.
Claudia has been in both good and poor health, and is presently doing well. Clyde has also been in good health. Both of us are still working professionally with children who have disabilities. Claudia concentrates on children with developmental disabilities and no longer works in the schools. Clyde now devotes his work time totally to children and adults with mental disabilities.
We had our 35th wedding anniversary last September, and are still enjoying each other’s company after all these years. All in all we are happy and optimistic about our futures. We are thankful for the blessings the Lord has given us
We hope all of you are optimistic about your futures as well, and that you all have a very Joyous Celebration of the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, as well as a very Happy and Prosperous New  Year!!


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Fall 2013 - Apricots, Peaches, Plums, Apples, and more Apples and Other Stuff

I was just checking to see when the last time was that I posted to this blog. It was December of last year (2012)! I am busy, but not that busy. Unfortunately, this blog has not worked as well as I would have liked. I wanted Claudia to post to it, as well, and that never happened. In the meantime, I have found myself at the computer trying to catch up with everything else - the news, three types of Solitaire games, emails, family finances, and facebook. Most of what I have posted has been on facebook. This blog, as well as my two other blogs, have had very few, if any, posts.

A few minutes ago I though of something I wanted to post about, and now it is gone from my mind. Distractions are plentiful this week. Gabe is home from school because his school is moving to a new building.

All the same, I may as well post about Fall 2013, and our activities.

This has been the year of Carolyn and her two girls. We have had more visits from Carolyn and her two little ones this year than in any other year since she was married in January 2007. Carolyn came in April for a few days, then again in May for a few days, then the same from the middle of June until the end of July. Each time she had her two daughters with her. Through a series of unexpected events she is presently staying with us without her daughters.

Where is Sam, her husband? Where are the kids? Sam is down in Utah, caring for the kids and staying with his buddy and his parents - going back and forth between the two locations. We don't know where his friend lives in Salt Lake City, but we have been to visit with him at his parents' home in Provo, Utah.

Carolyn has been staying with us temporarily until their little family can get better settled. This economy is very rough on some of us.

Carolyn has been helping us around the house a lot and is very fun to have here - especially during canning season. She has helped much with the canning.

Claudia decided to not do any school contracts this school year, so she has been able to get some time for canning, freezing, and drying fruit. She has succeeded and we are once again filling our cupboards with healthy home-preserved items. We are thankful that our apple tree produced some apples for us this year. They are delicious! Claudia does work with clients in the afternoons and evenings - part-time.

We began with a few scattered apricots on our sweet-pit apricot tree (not enough to preserve any). Next came cherries, then some peaches and pears, then plums (from a friend's tree), and lately, apples from our tree in the back yard.

We now have many very delicious fruit items to eat over the next several months.

Gabriel has been growing more and more each day. He has been doing very well in school and at church, and his behaviors are improving much. Gabe has also been helping us a lot with the canning and preserving!! He loves to help and do grown-up things with the grown-ups. We are thankful to have him in our home.

Stephen now has a well-paying coding and tech job in town and has just about payed off  his school loans. He wants to go back to Japan again and explore some more.

Clyde has been reduced to no clients at all, and is currently working with two clients and has a possibility of working with two more soon.

Having had some unexpected expenses eat up more than our budget for several months, we now have hope of an improvement in our income.

Halloween is coming up tomorrow night and we still need to decorate for the occasion. I will be working with my client, and a friend will be taking Gabe around for trick-or-treat.

This Halloween we are once again aware that there are now two Halloweens for us, and we need to buy twice the candy. At the church we have already had our safe Trunk-or-Treat. It was last Saturday, at 2 p.m. and we also had donuts and hot chocolate, as we usually do. That consumed one large bag of candy as children, costumes and all, from our neighborhood came around to each of us at our cars in the church parking lot and gathered their treats. Since Claudia would only allow me one big bag of candy, I watched carefully to be certain no trick-or-treater came twice. We ran out of candy just as a new bunch of kids came to start their rounds. Gabe's neighborhood friends sat there on the sidewalk behind my car, sorting through their bags of candy. Gabe can't have chocolate, so he gave most of his chocolate to a friend. He then had no chocolate left, and I had hoped he had not eaten any. I may have hoped in vain. That evening I found the diarrhea evidence on the back of the toilet. He had exploded. He cleaned up the mess.

Carolyn made most of Gabe's costume by sewing together a large  piece of material that would work as a cape. I supplied the bandanna and Carolyn found a black strip of material to work as an eye patch.

In all that is happening in our lives at this time, we find ourselves thanking the Lord that we are all back together for a season. At the same time we know that life will go on, and that we won't be left behind.

Halloween Greetings to all!!

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